Almond Milk
Why make your own almond milk?
Nothing you can buy in a store will even come close to making your own. I will tell you this, after you make it the first time you will say to yourself... This is SO EASY - why have I not done this before.
What do you know about store bought almond milk anyway?
Guaranteed store bought almond milk has a variety of offenders... pasteurization, fillers, binders, preservatives, flavorings, sweeteners... the list can be long. Even if you choose the best of the best it will not come close to what you can do at home. I have heard that some almond milks are only 2% almonds... what the heck is the rest?
These are just a couple home made videos for you to check out... invest 4 or 5 minutes and kaboom... you are on your way.
Under the videos is information on buying almonds and what you need!
Making Almond Milk with John...
The videos are the instructions... so jot down the steps if you need.

A Few Instructions
To make 2 Quarts of almond milk... here is your list
2 cups of RAW almonds - organic is best
Fresh, pure water... (R.O. is best - and restructured even better)
A nut bag... here is a link to the best one we have found... Click Here I will say cheese cloth does not work, soft fabric nut bags do not work... you need to be able to exert pressure without bursting the bag or pushing pulp through it.
A big bowl for the milk
A couple of quart bottles for the milk
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