The Purium Protein Advantage
Introducing the purest, most effective, plant based Amino Acid / Protein source on the planet!
Who benefits from the use Super Amino 23
Individuals looking to:
Optimize Body Protein Synthesis (BPS)
Optimize Muscle Mass - with or without exercise
Optimize Muscle Strength
Optimize Muscle Endurance
Improve Muscle Recovery Time
Get the needed protein when on a plant based diet
Support bodies need for Amino Acids Minimizes body fat Keep the body in an anabolic state (muscle building)
Super Amino 23 is digested in 23 minutes compared to 3 to 6 hours with other Dietary Proteins and Protein Supplements.
SA 23 has less than 1% metabolic toxic waste - compared to other amino/protein sources which range between 52% and as high as 84% toxic waste which mean the kidneys are burdened by protein ash elimination and other stresses on the body.
Listen to Purium Owner David Sandoval and Dr. Luca Moretti discuss an amazing discovery ... Super Amino 23
The Super Amino 23 product is a true game changer for our bodies... we are now able to target exactly what the body needs.
SA 23 is an integral part of our 10 Day Transformation Cleanse! When doing the 10 day cleanse the SA 23 Keeps the body in an anabolic state as opposed to a catabolic state, which is the norm with most cleanses and weight loss protocols... this is what makes our cleanse different from others in the market and more than anything makes it VERY SUCCESSFUL!
How does Super Amino 23 compare to other proteins?

Related PubMed References
View related PubMed references and click on study links below for available abstracts.
- Lucà-Moretti, M., Grandi A., Lucà E., Muratori G., Nofroni M.G., Mucci M.P., Gambetta P., Stimolo R., Drago P., Giudice G., Tamburlin N. Master Amino Acids Pattern® as substitute for dietary proteins during a weight loss diet to achieve the body’s Nitrogen Balance equilibrium with essentially no calories. Advances in Therapy; 5:282-291, 2003.
- Lucà-Moretti, M., Grandi A., Lucà E., Muratori G., Nofroni M.G., Mucci M.P., Gambetta P., Stimolo R., Drago P., Giudice G., Tamburlin N., Karbalay M., Valente C., Moras G. Master Amino Acids Pattern® as sole and total substitute for dietary proteins during a weight loss diet to achieve the body’s Nitrogen Balance equilibrium. Advances in Therapy; 5:270-281, 2003.
- Lucà-Moretti, M., Grandi A., Lucà E., Mariani E., Vender G., Arrigotti E., Ferrario M., Rovelli E Results of taking Master Amino Acids Pattern® as a sole and total substitute of dietary proteins in an athlete during a desert crossing. Advances in Therapy; 4:203-210, 2003.
- Lucà-Moretti, M., Grandi A., Lucà E., Mariani E., Vender G., Arrigotti E., Ferrario M., Rovelli E. Comparative Results Between Two Groups of Track and Field Athletes with or without the use of Master Amino Acids Pattern® as protein substitute. Advances in Therapy; 4:195-202, 2003.
Super Amino 23...
Call the person who shared this with you to try this amazing Protein!
Weight-loss * Athletic Performance * Metabolism Reset * Energy * Digestive Relief
& more benefits await you!
5 days to FEEL IT * 10 days to SEE IT * 30 days to LIVE IT
Fuel for Life!
If you have any questions or need help please email or call your Purium Health Advocate for Support.
Check out all the testimonials from our ecstatic customers!
It is just a part of my day that I NEVER miss... Super Amino 23 keeps me in balance
I was introduced to the Super Amino 23 when I did my first 10 Day Transformation with Purium and since that time, over 2 years ago, I have not missed a day. When I take this product I simply feel better, I have more energy, I have a sense of calm - my cells feel nourished. That may sound funny but I truly feel in balance. I am not a vegetarian but I do not eat much meat at a all so with the SA23 I know my body is getting all the protein I need with NO digestive stress or toxicity from breaking down animal proteins. Thanks Purium!!
If I could only take one Purium product to a deserted island, it would definitely be the Super Amino 23!
On my first 10 Day Transformation, I saw more muscle definition in my arms without doing any exercise, and that blew me away! Due to taking the Super Aminos everyday, I am physically stronger, have more energy, feel more emotionally balanced, and have seen a boost in my athletic performance. People repeatedly comment how my skin and eyes look clearer and brighter. That is all due to the Super Aminos! I am able to eat less dietary protein and feel better nourished than I have in my entire life! These aminos are absolutely the very best!