OneTeam Starting Right

Welcome to  our Purium OneTeam Network

This webpage will help you get oriented and tap into all the great resources that will support you in your Transformation Journey of health and wealth.

Here we are 2016.  Is it YOUR time?  Is it YOUR opportunity for change?  Plan for the shift now... 2016!

Where you go from here is up to YOU...

Take a quick read on the phases and choose your starting place!​

Click On Phase 1

If you are not sure where to start Phase 1 is for you.  This phase shows you have to take advantage of what Purium products and education.  We consider Purium a blessing and encouraging you to sharing a few gift cards to bless a few friends and let people know there IS a solution to the food pollution...  Learn the process and simply earn "Free" product and enjoy the lifestyle.  Click the Phase 1 Button Above.

Click On Phase 2

If you understand what is at stake with our health and already feel that energy to share with others and be an agent of change and transformation Phase 2 is likely your next step.  Becoming a Purium Advocate, intentional sharing to engage in the Purium Business and bring that $500 to $1000 a month into your household.  We call that money that matters! - Go ahead if Phase 2 looks like your target!

Click On Phase 3

​Purium Business Builder - Going "All In" has it rewards.  For some of us - we just "see it" and know this journey is something we want to be a part of and make a difference in people's lives.  If you are looking to redesign your life and career - this Phase 3 will take you there... earn 2K to 4K and much more a month.  Become a professional and enjoy the rewards of residual income while doing something supremely beneficial to all on the planet.  Join our Team & enjoy the rewards of a powerful Purium Business. Click on Phase 3 and Go For It!

Transformation vs Life Style

* If you are about to do the 10 Day Transformation make sure you check out

I was introduced to Purium in March 2014 by my friend, Marylou Smith. I was very hesitant to look at yet another product line but thankfully I took the time to hear what my friend had to say. I was already dedicated to eating fresh organic foods so Purium fit right into my philosophy and way of life. I did a 10 day transformation cleanse and knew right away that I wanted to be part of this movement to introduce everyone to a healthier lifestyle.

Pamela Brown

I've been a Personal Trainer for 20 years and have worked with many to lose weight and get stronger. It wasn't until my youngest son got very sick that I realized I had to relearn everything I knew about nutrition so I went back to school to be a Holistic Health Coach. I looked at over 30 companies to find a whole foods product line that was non GMO, organic and made by a company I could trust for my son and for my new clients. I found that with Purium. It wasn't until I did my first 10 Day Transformation alongside my husband that I started to realize what I really had here and I started learning more and sharing gift cards. With each 10 Day Transformation that was completed by a client, a little more belief was built within me and people started talking about Purium. I began to make commissions and over time that was more than I was making each week as a Health Coach plus it was paying for my Purium products that we use in our household.

Mandi Elmore

From our Family to YOURS... here's to YOUR Journey!

If you have any questions or need help please email or call your

Sponsor or Up-Team Support 

See you on the Support Calls!​