This page is an offering to our "Fellowship" supporting life giving nourishment. We have aligned with a whole food, plant based, farm to table style company called Purium Health Products. We have reviewed their offering and desire to make these clean foods available to all at a 25% discounted price. We do have some recommendations but you will find labels and all information easily accessible on their website... this page has all the links and information needed.
The Fellowship of The Vine presents
The alchemical marriage of Heart Wisdom and Purium
Heart Wisdom is our authentic truth and the process of unveiling it is the alchemy of universal intelligence penetrating the heart of the human experience.
Heart Wisdom is the spiritual nourishment that fuels the evolution of mind, body and soul. Yet many of us operate quite functionally without it. We cruise along changing lanes and eventually we get from point A to point B. We fill our tanks with water, food, air and sleep, which seems to give us all the fuel we need to get by on this journey that we call life. What many of us don’t realize is that we also need a different kind of fuel, a high-grade premium version that we can only access through a certain kind of pump.
Without the fuel of Heart Wisdom, life can feel like an awful lot of work.
Instead of tapping into the well of awareness that resides within us, we feel we have to analyze everything and figure it all out in our heads; we must generate enough energy to do what is required of us, and we often feel as if we have to do it all alone.
Without a steady connection to our own Heart Wisdom, we get tired and stressed as we struggle to survive. We suffer, spiritually and mentally, and as a result, we are unable to make clear choices that truly serve us, or fully access our purpose. More often than not, we end up in relationships that are unfulfilling and unhappy.
As we work to clear our minds, heal our hearts, expand our consciousness and connections to The Divine we encourage nourishment from plant based foods to be very important... to the extent we can lessen the bodies energy focused on breaking down difficult to digest food choices we opt to consume foods that are easy to digest, easy to convert to food at a cellular level and allow the excess energy to detoxify, let go and open up the resources for higher frequency work.
The Gift is here for you... everyone has the open door to receive the gift and partner with a store that is here to nourish us and do their part in ending suffering on the planet through making superfood nutrition available for all.
Here is the code you will need when you check out...
Dieta Options and much more...
- In your process to Ceremony the foods listed here have been reviewed for consumption. As you look up various product you will have labels with full ingredient review to make the best decision for you.
- Our commitment is to nutrient dense superfoods that do not carry the typical, harmful fillers, binders, excipients, sugars, artificial flavors, pesticides or GMO's. In other words... our food is SAFE!

Each product listed with a brief explanation and if you click on the image you will be taken to the company website where a lot of additional information is available. You can just add products to cart as desired. Make a list of the products you would like and search the website, add them to your cart and remember to use the GIFT CARD CODE: FOTV to use the discount of $50 or 25% off which ever is MORE!!
Ready to Shop? This is not an exhaustive list of super foods - here is a core group to start. If you click on the image you will be able to see full labels and order. When you check out with your product selection the system may ask you for a Gift or Discount code... if FOTV is not already presented...then type it in and assure your discount and the credit to the Fellowship!
Power Shake
Natural PowerShake: PowerShake (unflavored) is a convenient way to get phytonutrients from pure, raw superfoods, and stay satiated and energized throughout the day.
Purium`s Power Shake was created so that you can easily consume several energizing, gluten-free superfoods all at once - saving you time and money. A core nutrition shake.
- Pure, raw phytonutrients
- Supports healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels
- May aid digestion and nutritional support.
Organic Kamut Grass
Purium`s organic Kamut® blend: is a juice extract from the leaves of Kamut, a superior non-GMO, non-crossbred, nutrient-dense heirloom-seed Egyptian wheatgrass. We have combined it with oat and alfalfa leaf juices to give it a sweet taste and increase the mineral and trace mineral content.
- May support natural cleansing processes
- Great source of chlorophyll and green vegetable nutrients
- Aids in the achievement of healthy pH levels
Super Amino 23
Super Amino 23: is pre-digested 100% vegetarian protein that has been featured in the Physician’s Desk Reference and is comprised of specially fermented non-soy legumes. 99% of the amino acids get utilized in 23 minutes or less, creating bigger muscles and more power for your workouts.For fitness goals, add it to a healthy diet along with the Power Shake.
- May aid in normalizing protein synthesis
- May assist with the stabilization or recovery of muscle strength, volume and endurance
- Helps minimize body fat
Organic Barley Greens
Purium’s Barley Green Juice: is grown in pristine fields and watered with mineral springs to ensure it has nature’s maximum nutritional input. It contains highly assimilable chlorophyll, which is important for total nutrition.
- Aids in the achievement of healthy pH levels
- Great for natural cellular cleansing
- May support healthy blood sugar levels when taken between meals
Biome Medic
Biome Medic: designed to protect your gut from GMOs with this exclusive and proprietary formula of all-natural ingredients. This product can help flush harmful toxins, support “good” bacteria and repair your microbiome. Check out the video below for more!
- Awarded Gold Seal by the Detox Project as a glyphosate detox solution
- Double-blind trial showed decrease in glyphosate by 74%
- Double-blind trial showed decrease in C-reactive protein by 75%
Aloe Vera 40 X Concentrate
Aloe Vera: is one of the most revered of all African herbs and has been exported to every corner of the world. Hippocrates himself called aloe “the potted physician” for its amazing healing properties. We recommend combining it with Purium’s Apothe-Cherry.
- Supports healthy immune function
- May aid in healthy digestion
- May support healthy joint function
Ionic Minerals
Purium’s Ionic Elements: is a specially formulated combination of fulvic acid and ocean trace minerals. Using a rare source of humic and fulvic base, our proprietary (acid-free) refining method accelerates the concentration and purity of the fulvic acid - leaving a fresh, clean taste. We recommend adding Ionic Elements to your Power Shake or any other green drink.
- May reduce the effects of aging
- May the healthy growth of hair, skin and nails
- May support healthy immune function

“The sweetest nectar is within!”
We are committed to helping all beings on the planet to come into healing and light. Our mission to support the awakening of all is part of the intent of the Fellowship of the Vine. A portion from sales of these recommended products goes to the Fellowship and expenses to support our valuable work.
Russell and the Work...
Russell is a shamanic sound healer, ceremonialist, and author who has dedicated the past 25 years to the pursuit, study and practice of the healing arts. Drawn to the timeless wisdom of ancient cultures, he surrendered his mainstream Western life to follow the call of his heart and soul to walk the ordained path of the medicine man. Embracing the indigenous wisdom of India, Nepal, Peru and the North American Original Peoples “Red Road”, Russell later received the rare and humbling honor of serving as the Principal of the Tribal Shamanic Council of the Choctaw Musgokee Yamassee Nation.
His pursuit of truth and natural healing led him into the potent and magical world of Peruvian Shamanism, where he was initiated into the life-long study of these sacred ways by internationally acclaimed shamanic teacher Don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo — respected Kamasqa Curandero and Altomisayoq adept. Then, under the guidance of Maestro Curandero Ricardo Amaringo, a revered ceremonialist and Shipibo shaman, Russell completed a rigorous and demanding year-long apprenticeship in the Shipibo lineage of Amazonian plant medicine at Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual (co-founded by Dr. Joe Tafur, author of “The Fellowship of the River” and visionary artist Cvita Mamic).
Russell’s work seeks to honor the integrity of these indigenous cultures and traditions while serving as a bridge to make them accessible to those who are called, without diluting the inherent potency of these sacred medicines and practices. There is no room for spiritual-bypassing or light-chasing as he is known for his remarkable ability to “read the field” and, like a lightning bolt of truth, identify the blocks to health, wellbeing and our soul’s evolution. Cutting through the web of confusion, he helps his clients and students embrace their pain, grief and trauma, releasing it into the alchemical fire of transformation, so that healing and wholeness can be restored on all levels: mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and relationally. As Arielle Ford, Founder of the Ford Group, author of international bestseller, “The Soulmate Secret,” and a former client puts it, “Russell Feingold is an extraordinary healer with a remarkable ability to both correctly diagnose and heal energy blocks.”
Recognized for bringing some of the most powerful ceremonial and transformational work to the northern hemisphere, Russell has helped thousands of people, including respected leaders Debbie Ford, Marcelene Dyer, Fran Drescher, and Andrew Harvey to break down the story of their lives and unravel the multi-dimensional tension patterns that obscure the authentic masterpiece within. For the past 7 years, he’s been a core staff member on David Wolfe Adventures facilitating groups to rejuvenate and re-connect with their souls, passions, nature and vibrant health on pilgrimages to Hawaii and Peru. LA Weekly noted his impeccable dedication to bringing forth deep healing by awarding his private coaching practice “Best of LA” in 2011. And as a professional speaker, Russell is known for electrifying audiences, presenting alongside Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Caroline Myss, Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Andrew Harvey and T. Harv Eker at conferences, festivals and conscious living events. He is also the author of “Heart Wisdom: Your Transformational Guide to Joyful Living and Loving” published by Findhorn Press.
More important than all his credentials, however, is the fact that Russell is a loving human being who deeply cares about people and Pachamama — the Earth — and all her creatures. He is a master at nurturing community using the gifts of humor, insight, compassion, and diligently creating a safe and sacred space so that hearts, bodies, minds and souls can be healed to further the evolution of our earth-bound tribe towards peace, unity and wellbeing.