Great Health Choices... Looking for Powerful Products to bring your body back to balance... Enjoy learning about American Dream Nutrition!
Consider Holistic Recommendations

Medicinal Herbs and Nutrient Rich Supplements...
In a world of toxic chemicals, food additives, genetically modified foods and toxic herbicides on our food, in the air we breath and on the ground we walk on it is nearly impossible to avoid overloading our bodies. These burdens are causing dis-ease, pain, stress, obesity and systemic inflammation that is severely compromising the quality of many people's lives.
We believe in the miracle of the human body when it is empowered by power supplements that have not been compromised, poisoned or simply devoid of nutrients.

Pharmacology has been a main stay for decades now and we are seeing the ravages of drug treatments with all the unintended consequences!

Our desire is to offer you the opportunity to bring balance to the human body with the invitation to find homeostasis through a true source of nutrient dense supplements.

Clear Heart .... Listen, Read and Learn

Advanced Cardio Formula: an all new one-of-a-kind formulation with L Arginine, EDTA, Nattokinase, Co-Enzyme Q-10 plus many other PROVEN NATURAL INGREDIENTS designed to help promote healthy circulation, blood flow and oxygen flow throughout the Cardio Vascular System.
Here is a product recording to enjoy...
Advanced Cardio Formula: an all new one-of-a-kind formulation with L Arginine, EDTA, Nattokinase, Co-Enzyme Q-10 plus many other PROVEN NATURAL INGREDIENTS designed to help promote healthy circulation, blood flow and oxygen flow throughout the Cardio Vascular System.
Here are just a few of the potential benefits you might experience if you have increased circulation and blood flow:
o Blockage in arteries feeding the heart and Brain may be reduced.
o High cholesterol, homocysteine, and blood Pressure- key risk factors for heart and brain problems may be reduced.
o Chronic shortness of breath may be eased.
o Edema (swelling of the lower legs and ankles) a symptom of congestive heart problems, may be improved.
o Angina and general chest pains may be eased.
o Cold, numb, and painful extremities may be warmed and soothed
o Enlarged prostates could shrink.
o Insomnia may be replaced by deep, restful sleep.
o Low energy may be replaced by deep wells of new energy.
o Varicose veins may fade or even vanish.
o Vision problems and “floaters” may improve or eyesight may improve.
o Hearing loss due to calcium deposits in the ear may improve.
o Memory loss and fading mental powers may be halted or improved.
o Male impotence may be a thing of the past… and much more!
Heart Disease and Heart Attacks are the # 1 killers of women in America.
700,000 Americans will suffer a sudden blockage of blood flow to the brain each year - that’s 83 people every hour of the day.
It claims more lives than breast cancer, diabetes and accidents combined. Cardiovascular disease ranks as the # 2 cause of death for children under age 15.
Heart Disease is one of, if not THE Number One Health Problem facing our society today.
Source: The American Heart Association
Nitro Factor .... Listen and Learn

Here is a product recording to enjoy...
Nitric Oxide Factor - Cardiovascular Super Food
Increases Nitric Oxide
Lower Blood Pressure
Increase Circulation
Improve Cardiac Performance
Increase Energy
Boost Stamina
Reduces Inflammation
Helps Detox Liver
Boost Oxygen Delivery to Heart
Relaxes Blood Vessels
Improves Blood Flow to All Organs
Improves Sexual Performance Men & Women
Improves Muscle Recovery
Reduces Oxidation of Vascular System
Helps Control Blood Sugars
Improve Insulin Sensitivity
Lowers Bad Cholesterol (LDL)
Increases Good Cholesterol (HDL)
Reduces Triglycerides (Blood Fats)
Nitric Oxide - The Miracle Molecule
Super Omega 3 + 6 + 9 .... Listen, Read and Learn

Twenty First Century Scientific Researched Evidence shows that the human body will function far better and have a much better chance at optimal health with the proper ratio of Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids.
All three of these are important to the body, not just Omega 3 alone.
It is also necessary to take the correct balance of Omega 3, 6, and 9 every day. Omega 3 and 6 are NOT produced by the body. Studies show that a large percentage of the US adult population is not getting the proper amounts of Omega-3.
Here is a product recording to enjoy...
Research shows Omega-3 fatty acids could be beneficial for:
-Asthma -High Cholesterol -Osteoporosis
-Diabetes – High Blood Pressure -Macular Degeneration
-Arthritis -Attention Disorders -Skin Disorder
–Heart Disease -Depressive Disorders -Digestive Difficulties
Research shows Omega 6 fatty acids could be beneficial for:
-Nerve Pain –Allergies
-Diabetic Neuropathy -Heart Disease
-Rheumatiod Arthritis -Bone Health
-Inflammation -ADHD
-Brain Function -Eczema
-Multiple Sclerosis -Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
-Menopausal Symptoms -Hair Growth
Research shows Omega 9 fatty acids could make a positive impact on your health by helping to lower the “bad cholesterol” and raise the “good cholesterol” in your body. It may also it may be beneficial for:
-Cardiovascular Disease -Memory
-Stroke -Cognitive Function
-Increasing Energy – Weight Maintenance
-Enhancing Mood -Regulating Appetite
The massive importance of Omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids to human health were undervalued for far too long.
Mega Daily Essentials EPA, DHA, ALA, GLA, OA
American Dream Nutrition is at the forefront of bringing you the finest, purest and BALANCED Omega formulation available.
If you have any questions or need product recommendations please contact the person who recommended our Program.
Copyright 2017 Holos International, LLC