Learn about the People, the Heart, the Spirit &
Mission of Purium Health Products
Special Interview Series

Looking to Join our Company? Embark on a powerful Mission? Enjoy a home based business educating and helping people enjoy better health and wealth?
Our Team enjoys community and abundance..listen in and check it out!
Owners, Leaders, the very people who support YOU every day!
Ready to peek behind the curtain?
If you are Mission focused - If you are Health focused - If you are Product focused - If you are Financially motivated, If you love irresistible value driven offers... YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!!!
Welcome to OneTeam Network
- Once you join us... don't forget to go to oneteamnetwork.com and complete the form to join our email list!
- The whole team is ready and committed to help you launch your business in a powerful & successful way!
- Looking forward to seeing you on our weekly team calls and celebrating your success!!
Meet John Altshuler Purium Crown Leader
Meet Dave Sandoval Purium
Meet Amy Venner Purium
Meet David Litt Purium V.P. of Sales and Marketing
Meet Ian Farrar Purium Crown Leader
Meet Jodi Agueda Purium Crown Leader
Meet Daniel Bushnell Purium Crown Leader
Meet Dave Sandoval Purium
Meet Amy Venner Purium
Meet David Litt Purium V.P. of Sales and Marketing
Meet Ian Farrar Purium Crown Leader
Meet Jodi Agueda Purium Crown Leader
Meet Daniel Bushnell Purium Crown Leader
The fun is just beginning... we are thrilled you are a part of our team... If you have yet to make that decision... your life changing moment is here, now... They say knowledge is power... well, knowledge without execution is irrelevant... this is our time to be the catalysts for great change in our personal lives and the planet. Welcome...
From our family to yours... here's to YOUR Transformation Journey!
If you have any questions or need help please email or call your Purium Health Advocate for Support.
Check out all the testimonial in our OneTeam Network!