How to use your Gift Card

Super Food Store
Feed Your Family Real Food!
No Obligation
Honest $50 Savings
There are things the food industry does NOT want you to know!
Empower Yourself, Enjoy the GIFT - Save your Family!
$50 Gift

Congratulations, just click on the category of interest, locate the product or products you would like to try and check out! Super Simple - we believe in honoring you, our most valued participant.. our new customer!
Remember your $50 Gift Code/Referral Code - TRUEFOOD
We are confident you will enjoy the shopping experience and the awesome products that you choose. We welcome you back to shop with us anytime!
Our Product Commitment
Straight Up: Our Product Commitments say it all... Shop with confidence!

Super Food Store - Product Categories
Choose the category of interest and review our products... Remember the GIFT CODE: TRUEFOOD
Clicking the categories below will allow you to start shopping, add to cart and apply the $50 discount at checkout!
When shopping - click on the product image you can learn about each product and see ALL our ingredients!
Start Shopping and Redeem your $50 Gift!
Ready to Shop? (review the steps below and click on the image following)

- Once you are on the page... Hit the SHOP button!

- Choose the product category

- Shop & check out
- Remember the GIFT CODE: TRUEFOOD
When you are in one category you can always go back to the SHOP button to check out other products.
Please enjoy your $50 gift with your order of $75 or more!
When you return to shop you can enjoy our loyalty program with a 25% discount every time you shop month after month! - See the details on our webpage.
From our family to yours... here's to helping change the world and make it a better place!
If you have any questions or need product recommendations - please email or call us...
Mary Lynn

Copyright 2017 OneTeam Network.