Starting Your 10 Day Transformation

Welcome to our Purium OneTeam Network
Transformation happens on several levels and this webpage has great foundational information to help you on your way!
Purium has Transformed many lives why not yours?
Weight-loss * Athletic Performance * Metabolism Reset * Energy * Digestive Relief
& more benefits await you!
5 days to FEEL IT * 10 days to SEE IT * 30 days to LIVE IT
Step 1 - Ready to Transform
* Get your Transformation out on the counter and go through the materials - Get the products out and review the Transformation Guide. Here is a download if you cannot put your fingers on guide.
* Preparation is important and it is recommended that you contact the person you purchased the Transformation through and visit with them about any tips or what to expect over the 10 days.
* On the day you start the Transformation pick up your cell phone and text the word "transformation" to 55678
* Ask your enroller (person that helped you purchase the Transformation) to invite you to OneTeam Network FB Page - so you can be a part of our community and connect with others on the Transformation!
* Take advantage of the Transformation Support calls every weekday night at 5:30 PM Pacific Time where you can listen in, ask questions and get support while on the 10 day journey. 712-432-7658 pin code 7873#
Step 2 - Get Ready, Get Set, GO!
* Mark your calendar for a good start date! There are always conflicts so just keep in mind - it's only 10 Days!
* Transformation Checklist - Download Here
* Download the Transformation Guide (it comes in your kit)
* Download your Tracking Sheet!
* Join the Transformation Challenge - Win Win Win
Step 3 - Resources of Interest
* Curious to learn more about the products?
* Additional information for the Athletic Transformation
Step 4 - Transformation FAQ's
Everyone has questions - here are a few basics to help you on your journey! - all answers click here... (videos or see text below)
You are set for success - stay in contact and we look forward to
hearing about the New YOU!
- Hunger
- Exercise
- Foods
- Detox
- Do's & Do Not's
- Great Tips!
- Continuation
- Constipation
- Safety
- Water
- Before Starting
Plan to do the Transformation during a 10 day period when you can get a good night’s rest every night.
2 – 3 days prior to starting your Transformation, omit dairy, processed foods and meat from your diet. 3 – 5 days prior omit coffee to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Get started with a positive mental attitude, “I can and I will.”
Make sure to have some approved Flex Foods/Beverages on hand (see list on page 7), you’ll need up to 3 per day.
Text the word “transformation” to 55678 (USA) or 70734 (Canada) the day before starting to receive daily inspirational messages from David Sandoval and members of our Purium Celebrity Team.
Enter the schedule into your phone, set alerts to keep you on track.
Take your “Before” photo, weigh and measure yourself (chest, waist & hips).
Enter to win a free Detox-a-Vacation for yourself and 5 of your friends at David Sandoval’s Native Springs Oasis Retreat www.transformationen- – just need to lose 5 lbs / 3 inches to qualify.
Join us on Facebook at Day Transformation - share your commitment
Join Support Calls Monday – Friday at 8:30 PM ET / 5:30 PM PT / 3:30 PM HT. Dial (712) 432-7658, enter pin code 7873#.
From our family to yours... here's to YOUR Transformation Journey!
If you have any questions or need help please email or call your Purium Health Advocate for Support.
Check out all the testimonial in our OneTeam Network!
10 lbs lost, muscle mass maintained and a Personal Record Half Marathon 3 days later
I recently completed the 10 Day Transformation and I am extremely happy I decided to do so. I was a bit hesitant to do something like this with the race season approaching quickly, but I trusted in Leslie's recommendation. The process itself was not easy as there were times when I felt hungry, but I really felt like it cleaned out my system and set me up to have a much easier time eating the right foods moving forward. I didn't decide to do this to lose weight, but I ended up losing just about 10 pounds! I also did a half marathon just a few days after I finished and PR'd! It was extremely beneficial having Leslie right there to assist throughout the process. She answered all my questions and checked in regularly which really helped. I highly recommend this transformation to adult athletes of all ages and abilities. You will be very happy with the results. Thanks again Leslie! :)
11.2 lbs lost and 2% body fat reduction
I recently did the 10 day athlete transformation and I’m so glad that I did. I race triathlons... mostly long distance races (half ironman and full ironman) and after a long cold tough winter for training I wanted and needed to “reset” my habits and get back to some discipline and clean eating which was much needed for an upcoming race season. I was very hesitant wondering if it would have a negative impact on my workouts, however I found that my workouts were not compromised at all. It was a great program... got me reset and was very easy to follow. I was never hungry and all workouts were fueled. I am feeling great and the bonus is in 10 days I lost 11.2 lbs and down 2% less body fat. I will definitely continue with the clean eating and the xanthin and plan to repeat this 10 day athlete transformation later in the race season as well. Thank you Leslie for all your help and support! This was SO worth it and I would encourage anyone who is looking for a positive impact on eating and training to give this a try." (18 hours a week during 10 Day AT)
Turning 50 - yes it can be that life begins at 50!
One year ago I made a decision to no longer complain about feeling sick, tired and achy and starting to talk about my age. It was time for a change! I changed my lifestyle, nutrition, created my goals and a commitment to my family and most importantly myself. I owed this to myself and to my family to be in the best health possible and to be an example for my kids. A few months ago I was introduced to Purium Health Products, these Live, Raw, Organic Green Superfoods have taken my health and fitness to a whole new level! I am forever grateful for the products David Sandoval and Purium provides to my family and countless others. I am also fortunate enough to be in a position to help others achieve these same health goals through health coaching and sharing Purium Health Products! Today Carmen and I completed our 10 Day Athletes Transformation. 50 is the new whatever age you want it to be!

Nutritionally depleted no more...
My journey with Purium Health Products has changed my life. I was leading a "healthy" life as most people say these days. However, I now know on a cellular level I was depleted nutritionally. The 10 day transformation propelled me into a way to eat based on intuition. I had an amazing experience and believe everyone can truly find a way to eat that creates harmony with their body, mind and spirit.
4 lbs lost, 7% increase in hydration, body fat decreased, increased energy
I tried the Purium Athlete challenge with no big expectations except feeling better physically. After the first few days I felt great and did not find it as challenging. It cut the cravings and gave me more energy. After the challenge I went to see my Nutritionist and she did my yearly BIA and said this is the best she has ever seen in me in over 8 years. My water went up from 48 to 55, Body fat down and gained muscle. I was thrilled and still do this 2 days on and 3 off based on my training and I was still able to exercise by just adding calories. IN the end I feel great eat better and have more energy.
My body is balancing from some serious health challenges and now looking forward to rocking my 50's
I had hashimoto's disease, an auto-immune disorder of the thyroid from age 25-37 roughly, and I have always struggled to detoxify - I have a very sluggish digestive system (depsite being dairy and gluten free for nealry 20 years), i easily tend towards constipation and even though i had a good diet I was actaully diagnosed as being malnourished when I was sick with 'hashi's' and still eating dairy and gluten. Consequently I have long believed I need super nutrition, I just need to super boost myself with the good stuff, and I know I need to detox as well. BUt every time I tried to do a cleanse (and I've tried everything from the Master Cleanse to over the counter package cleanses) I ended up constipated and feeling awful - for months!. They were just too harsh for my system and they robbed me of the GOOD stuff as well as the bad and I needed that super nutrition.
When I heard about Purium's 10 Day Transformation I was excited by the anabolic nature of it and the nutrient density and so I gave it a go. WOW. The first few days were tough for me I have to say, I hadn't done a good pre-cleanse, and honestly i think my system was VERY toxic from so many years being ill and eating dairy and gluten which I didn't know I couldn't handle. But I pushed through and it got better and better. I never once felt hungry, I missed food for sure, I missed cooking and the entertainment factor of "what's for dinner tonight" - but I found that to be part of the cleanse for me - noticing what i used food for, how much it's entertainment for me was really interesting. I didn't have much weight to lose but I lost about 5 lbs, I lost a good few inches from my butt (yay) and my belly and I toned up alot! I couldn't believe how toned and firm i felt, I was lighter and brighter and cravings had gone away.
But the best part has been adding these products in to my life on a daily basis. I continue to take the Super Aminos, the Apothe-cherry and at least one Purium green drink a day (i have lots of different green drinks from purium and I just mix n match depending on my mood). Within a few months i hit a whole other gear, a whole new level of energy and vibrancy. I wasn't sluggish, I wasn't cloudy, my knees are not achy, I am busier than ever but no longer afraid I'm going to 'crash'. I think I just continued to detox, gently every day, and I was finally getting that super nutrition I needed, and this is the part that astounds me, because I eat a really good diet, but clearly the nutrients are just not in our food any more, we really do need to eat more in order to get enough. Purium has given me the cheapest most convenient, doesn't-go-off-in-my-fridge-way to eat more good food. After a year using these products my Doctor asked me to reduce my thyroid medication and for the 1st time in 20 years I have successfully been able to do so! I consider myself 100% healthy for the 1st time since I was a kid and at 49 that's a pretty great place to be! :) I plan on rocking the pants off my 50's with Purium!
9 lbs lost, improved sleep, kicked bad habits
I am a 42 year old new Triathlete, but long time runner. My diet was all over the place, trying to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, but sometimes getting off on the wrong track with to much coffee, diet soda and sweets. When Leslie approached me about the Transformation I decided what did I have to lose? The results were pretty amazing in that I lost 9 pounds and inches from my chest and hips. It also helped me kick my habit to diet soda which I have stuck to in the 6 weeks since the end of my transformation. I still drink the L.O.V. shake every morning, sometimes adding blueberries and spinach and I still love it. I take the Aminos before I work out and drink the Apothecary Cherry every night. I can't tell you how much better I sleep. It truly is a transformation.