Purium Brand Partner Training

Success Leaves


Find your Success!

Learn the Success Formula

Build a Customer Franchise

Make Money that Matters

Build a Successful Team

It is a "Stone Cold Fact" that there is a better way to make a living and enjoy your life!

Simple as A - B - C    Your Steps to Success

If you only knew....

What if you were presented a recipe that would guarantee your success in helping others thrive, nourishing your family and bringing money that matters into your household!  

Would you follow the recipe?

People often think they have to be lucky, be in the right place at the right time, have something nobody else has, be a super slick sales person, have a gazillion contacts or a huge social media following to be successful in a direct selling company.

Horse Feathers!

I would be lying if some of those things did not help but in MOST cases those that just follow the recipe with conviction and sustained consistency WILL WIN!   

Will YOU be the one who watches this series and decides to take action, be accountable and feel the exhilaration of watching direct deposits flow into your bank account every month?  Seeing people you introduce to Purium improve their health and start to thrive again... and who knows maybe even save a life or two!

The next 7 Steps are up to you...  These are short videos ranging from 5 to 14 minutes each.

Success Steps Introduction

See what is in store for you... plan the time to fully engage, take notes and get in action!

Success Steps - Step 1

Do you have a Powerful Purium Story?  Should you?  Check out Step 1.

Success Steps - Step 2

Starting a business requires a "Business Mindset" are you prepared to WIN?

Success Steps - Step 3

Purium offers a unique opportunity to cash flow off of customers alone... this is exceptional!

Success Steps - Step 4

Have you experienced the power of "Leverage" - it can put you on the beach!

Success Steps - Step 5

Systems and Procedures take the guess work out of the equation and allow duplication in your business.

Success Steps - Step 6

Systems and Procedures take the guess work out of the equation and allow duplication in your business.

Success Steps - Step 7 and beyond

Plan for your success run... all business needs a dedicated focused time of action to get the train out of the station... Here is your final piece.  Remember... even though the series may be over.. your Journey is just beginning!

What should YOU do now?

Step 1.  Call the person who enrolled you!

​Talk to them about what you learned and how you are going to apply what you have learned.

Set a game plan and think about creating an accountability partnership​

Step 2.  Calendar the Team and Company Calls, Presentations etc... 

OneTeam Zoom Call Tuesday 8AM Pacific -  www.zoom.us/j/3032535100

Purium Corporate Conf. Line 712-432-7658  Pin#  7873#

Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday at 6 PM Pacific Time

Step 3.  Make sure you are on the OneTeam Network Email / Facebook

Join at   www.oneteamnetwork.com

Join OneTeam Facebook by invitation... ask your Enroller to "ADD" you

Step 4.  Help your family, friends and sphere of influence... spread the word 

From our family to yours... here's to helping change the world and make it a better place!

If you have any questions please email or call the advocate that shared this information with YOU!

Document Resources

Business Planning Worksheet

What do you WANT - What is your PLAN?

Download Document Here

Daily Method Of Operations

What Income Producing Activities should be a part of  your day?

Download Document Here

Contact Tracking Sheet 

Connect with someone new and create a tracking sheet for follow up.

Download Document Here

Enrollment Tracking Sheet - Purium Brand Partner

Keep all your enrollments organized - complete PBP Tracking Sheet.

Download Document Here

Copyright 2017 OneTeam Network.